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Mobile Application Penetration Test
Per the widespread and solid integration of mobile applications as business tools in organisational networks, sensitive company information is increasingly exposed to malicious hackers. Applications on devices like Androids, Apple iOS, and others are overlooked by companies despite their vulnerability as attack platforms to hackers.
We offer world-class mobile penetration testing services with the skillset to provide customized and advanced tech solutions such as reverse-engineering of applications on both iOS and Android devices to find vulnerabilities and malware.
The Mobile Application Penetration Test analyses the security strengths and challenges of your mobile applications while providing solutions to cited weaknesses.
The Mobile Application Penetration Test builds confidence and assurance about the strength of your security network as employees go about daily operations using their mobile devices with access to your network.
On top of a detailed current state analysis of your mobile device security controls, this test will ensure your security system is reinforced in the following ways;
Mobile Application Penetration Test
Per the widespread and solid integration of mobile applications as business tools in organisational networks, sensitive company information is increasingly exposed to malicious hackers.
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